Sql Server Database Comparison Tool


Full list of features What can I compare, synchronize, and deploy?

OpenDBDiff A database comparison tool for Microsoft SQL Server 2005+ that reports schema differences and creates a synchronization script. Open DBDiff can synchronize. Tables (including Table Options like vardecimal, text in row, etc.). Columns (including Computed Columns, XML options, Identities, etc.). Constraints. Indexes (and XML Indexes). XML Schemas.

Sql Server Database Comparison Tool

SqlSql server database comparison

Table Types. User Data Types (UDT). CLR Objects (Assemblies, CLR-UDT, CLR-Store Procedure, CLR-Triggers). Triggers (including DDL Triggers). Synonyms.

Schemas. File groups. Views. Functions. Store Procedures.

Partition Functions/Schemes. Users. Roles Icons provided from under under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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